Episode 110: DISC Decoded: Part 2 – Inside the I: Inspiring Connections and Creativity

Inside the I: Inspiring Connections and Creativity

In the second part of our DISC series, we’re shining the spotlight on the I – Influence personality type. These are the life-of-the-party personalities who thrive on connection, creativity, and inspiring others. High Is light up the room with their energy, but how do they handle details, deadlines, and structure? (Spoiler: It’s not their favorite!)

We’ll explore how high Is bring positivity and motivation to the table, how to best collaborate with them, and the ways they can balance their natural charisma with a little more focus. Along the way, we’ll share stories, strategies, and some hard-learned lessons about how to harness the strengths of the Influencer personality in any environment.

Ready to tap into the power of Influence? Join us as we decode the I and show you how to use this style to build better relationships and stronger teams!

Links & Resources:

  • Find out your DISC style by taking the assessment [here].
  • Let us help your team leverage DISC for better communication and results—reach out for workshops or training sessions!

Let’s get after it!

– Amanda & Lynn

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Read the full transcript of this episode below:


Lynn Howard

Hey, I’m Lynn.

Amanda Furgiuele

And I’m Amanda. Welcome to the pursuit of badasserie, the podcast. are back with section two of the disc assessment.

And we’re talking about I or influence the second section of our disc.

Lynn Howard

Yeah. So if you’ve already listened to the D which we would strongly suggest for you. first one. Just real quick.

Disc is been around for centuries. is a classification or essentially a way. a psychological framework to understand people and their behaviors and back in the philosopher days, like Socrates and all of them, they start to notice certain nuances.

Then in the 20s, somebody actually created a psychologist, created the framework around it or a psychiatrist, one or the other.

If he was a high D, he’d hate that I just did that. But we’re a high C, but I don’t think he’s alive anymore.

But essentially, it’s just a way to understand others and ourselves. So there are four quadrants. It’s the easy way we are mixable, but we tend to have our high and our natural and our adaptive.

But in the four quadrants, your space or reserved. So if you’re more fast-paced or if you’re more reserved, and then if you’re more people aren’t.

or more task oriented. And then you’d have the four quadrants, which represent the D that S to C. High eye is fast pace and people oriented.

So really high eye is going to definitely have more of like the faster pace, but they’re going to be seated in more of the people oriented aspect.

So some traits of a high eye and they’re super enthusiastic. They’re they’re super social. I love to call them like the tick tickers of the networking function.

They’re people, they’re people focused or super outgoing. actually use their voice to persuade, right? So they really help people come along with their voice.

Optimistic, energetic, um, uh, automatic. Absolutely. can spot them in a room, a for sure.

Amanda Furgiuele

Yes. They’re like the charismatic, they’re talkative, they’re bouncy and like a lot of energy in their discussions. It’s so, I find it’s one of the easiest to really spot in a room because they’re so much in it.

These are the huggers. you know, coming up and hugging you and they’re so excited to see you and they wanna have everything on an upbeat, positive emojis.

They’re like leaving me 50,000 emojis and anything. I don’t think they can write a text without an emoji. don’t know if I’ve ever seen and I write a text without an emoji.

They’re just very expressive and very, they’re very life of the party. You wanna be friends with an eye. These are the people, like you, these are the popular people, you wanna be friends with them.

These are the people who are so charismatic that they attract people to their energy and their livelihood. they’re just, I wish I had the eye.

I wish I had that ability to really attract and be that energetic. And I can turn it on, again, adaptive.

I can turn it on if I need to, but. These are the people who are inherently just, they’re fast-acting, but they’re also very people oriented.

They want connections. They want all the positivity. They want energizing teams. want social interaction and recognition and opportunities to collaborate and to reach out and be the life of the party.

These are the people who really do sit best in being in groups and being in the life of the party and being the life of the party.

These are super charismatic and very against eye for influence. They’re very influential and they see that outgoing, talkative nature is really part of their behavior.

Lynn Howard

Yeah, they’re active supporters. In a team, in your friend group, they’re the ones who are going to motivate you to do things in good ways and sometimes not so good ways.

I had a best friend when I started learning this and she was super high-eye. At that point in her life, African, she became more of a high

Indeed. And her, her D was high anyway, but her eye was definitely always higher. And she was the one who would be calling me up on a Friday morning or telling me on Thursday, hey, we’re going to go to the beach all day tomorrow.

Be like, I have meetings. She’s like, cancel them all. It’s a Friday. We don’t need to. So, like, they are, they’re definitely one to want to loosen you up, have a bit more fun.

But they’re great for team environments because they’re going to be like chatting up with everybody, just their energy is contagious.

It can be because it’s that positive. can do everything that. Yeah, definitely a high eye. I have a lot of eye in me as well.

So it’s interesting to watch the different when I’m floating between the high eye and the high D when I have a couple of drinks.

Usually I’m more. But always, it depends on the environment that I’m in, but, but listen. High-eyes can also like they they have some challenges so they can be extremely disorganized Do not pay attention to details Can be overly emotional and distracted by their needs of approval and attention like They are the ones who will really get affected if they feel like somebody doesn’t like them In a team personally in a networking event It kind of shuts them down and they they want to be liked by everybody Also other thing about high-eyes typically high-eyes Because they are best friends with everybody they can be superficial with a lot and just feed you information Enough to make you feel like you come along, but the stories about them They they they love the story to be about them and their energy and their charisma Absolutely and

I find that I find that is a struggle with and a high is their follow through because they want to be the life of the party and they like commit they over commit themselves and they don’t really pull through as well and they often because they forget lot of details they might like completely forget you have a meeting or they just overlook or they triple quadruple book themselves with multiple social events and so that can be a struggle because when they want to be the life of everybody’s party they have a hard time really nailing down one specific event or person hi eyes are usually usually the ones who are almost always going to be late yeah almost always um for many different reasons but um yeah it’s wild to me actually I just had a meeting this week with one of my clients that’s here in Thailand so we met in person.

and I always know she’s going to be late. It’s a sister duo and I always know the one is going to be late because she’s a hi-eye and she was on time and she was so proud of herself because if you’ve been working on like behavioral cells and stuff she was I was on time today.

was like I’m so proud of you but they’re usually and for a high D that can be triggering but if we understand that that is just part they’re not disrespecting us it’s part of their behavioral salads because they just maybe can’t get organized or they can’t find that key or like they don’t put things in a place.

Yeah it’s insane but so how to recognize hi-eyes like in a networking room or when you’re on about they’re going to be the loudest part of the room typically in larger groups big hands like Amanda said earlier huggers they’re the ones who are going to have bold jewelry bold like trendy clothes

mismatchy, eclectic kind of wardrobe or homes, tons of accessories, they mix their jewelry, so they’ll have old big gold hoop earrings with chunky silver, like bracelets and platinum whatever, like they mix everything, very expressive, can be useful at times in there, and that’s not always a positive thing, can be useful sometimes in their dress and their demeanor, but very vibrant.

Amanda Furgiuele

Absolutely, you’re going to know the eyes in the room, they are, as Lynn said, loud, very outgoing, very, again, like let’s get a drink at the bar, let’s do this, let’s go dance on the dance floor, let’s like they’re the ones who are starting the conga line, they’re not sitting quietly in a corner, they’re starting the conga line, they’re like let’s do let’s do let’s do shots,

These are, I mean, these are, that’s a little bit, I don’t know what kind of networking events you go to, we’re probably not so many shots.

These are the people who are really, really, again, life of the party. So it’s great when it comes to like company morale, it’s great when it comes to wanting to have that fun energy being very people-oriented, again, these are very fast-paced but very people-oriented.

So they want to talk about who you know, who’s going to be there, who else is going to be coming along with us.

They’re very oriented around the other people around them and it needs to be positive. don’t want to sit in negative and alley.

They want to be happy. want to be, and sometimes to the point where they might live too much overly in the optimism to almost the point where it’s like delusional optimism but they’re, I mean, again, worst-case scenario, but they definitely want to see the brighter side of life and they want to live in that energetic love of life.

These are, again, the very charismatic people and life of the party. All the way.

Lynn Howard

Well, I love that you said the positive poly because they can overcompensate. They’re one of the behavioral cells and the next one would be the S that can overcompensate and become like a martyr or like a positive poly because they’re trying to keep everybody together because that’s really important.

High eyes can be very impulsive and they get distracted squirrel, we always joke about squirrel, they will get distracted by bright shiny things.

So it’s funny raising three kids. I had one that was a high eye and she stills a high eye and she would like go hang out with her friends even though she promised her sister that she would do XYZ with her.

She would like be late for this because she got caught up in all the drama and the funnest and you know and it definitely was some positive behavior.

Saba also like her wanting her needing to be liked and the tension like she needed the attention. So yeah, it’s interesting.

So some things that High eyes can work on is paying attention to detail like actually being committed to the detail.

Not always trying to please other people, right? So not take things personally. I would also say I could also learn to get a little bit more a little deeper with other people on them because high eyes like the attention to really I like the attention to be on them.

Yeah, and you know now everybody has to like you and that’s okay like that’s definitely one thing that a high eye can can work on.

Amanda Furgiuele

And when it comes to having an eye on your team as far as like what motivates an eye to do better and to really excel in their workplaces like recognition and praise.

They want people to talk about their contributions and their energy. They want social interaction so opportunities to engage with other parts of the team so really dynamic environments where they can engage with others and think outside the box and get those ideas flowing.

They want freedom of expression. They’re definitely they want to be to talk and flexibility, share ideas, be creative and they want it to be fun and exciting and lively.

They don’t want to sit in a cubicle all day long. want things that are more positive energy and more excitement and you know conversely the things that are going to stress them out are going to throw them over the edge are isolating them from other people.

Severe criticism about anything that they’re doing or like super rigid rules like it must be this way if it’s highly structured.

They’re going to feel stifled and they’re going to feel like that. They’re not they’re not open to their expression open to their ideas and so and that

course, like lack of recognition and feeling underappreciated and undervalued, those things are really important to an eye. So if you’re thinking about a team dynamic, you want to make sure that you are celebrating those wins with them because they want to celebrate and they want to be recognized.

Lynn Howard

Yeah, and be aware of the people that are on their team or if you’re a leader of a high eye because they’re really triggered by Debbie Downers.

And so being really aware of that, and I’ve actually worked with some companies where that was the case that we had a leader who was in charge of couple of high eyes and these high eyes were like team leaders as well.

And we had to change some of the communication dynamics and really help them give them a bit more autonomy and limit actually the engagement in with the Debbie Downer.

Actually, there were C-suite with these team leaders and the changes were just incredible because they needed that space to thrive.

They needed that energy and so being able to pull that from their teams versus from their C-suite who naturally had the E or like Debbie Downer kind of personality.

This is why it’s so important to understand our own behavioral sounds but also be able to recognize other people because it can help either push us forward or stifle our growth and our connection and communication.

Now, some things that again in a business setting, also in a personal setting that I can work on is time management, right?

That they get distracted time management. So having somebody on their team that can help manage that time but in a container that works is really important.

Being able to break things down into priorities. They can very much shoot from the hip and do more based on emotion.

So having those priorities kind of socketed out. yeah, they can also work on constructive criticism. Again, they want to be able to like everybody like them and they want to feel a part of it and like they need that.

They can have their if they feel unsupported, even if they’re being supported like then they can spiral into into certain things.

So understanding that and helping balance that in your team is is really important. But you can complement that with other people on their team.

Amanda Furgiuele

So yeah. Yeah, when you’re communicating, it’s just be friendly, be warm. These are your cheerleaders. These are they’re focusing on big picture.

They’re enthusiastic. They’re not again, they’re not very much on the details, but they’re they’re they’re the tickers. They’re the cheerleaders.

These are great people to have. And again, one of the best things about an eye is how charismatic they can be and how they can really be get people on the bandwagon.

These are they’re come a long let’s do it come along together we can do it so I absolutely love having eyes on the team if you can keep the focus and keep them managing their time this is definitely a great person to have on your team.

Lynn Howard

It is and you know it’s funny I’m actually reflecting on some things in some arenas in which I play and there’s been a couple of high eyes and even though they laugh follow through they can be all about themselves and all this other stuff like as soon as they walk into a room even though everybody knows this some more on a deeper level um because they have a bit deeper connection with them versus others like it doesn’t matter it’s like everything about the way like everybody’s just like in awe of this particular like charismatic because their charisma can really carry that so learning to complement that will absolutely help you excel in this

as in relationships because they do they light up the room and it’s really it’s incredible to watch so how are you how are you leveraging that influence um motivating your team or your company or the people around you um yeah it can really help drive you bored in um energetic way i mean high eyes uh absolutely i mean all all the behavioral cells have their strengths in a team setting and a business setting and in life setting right um we all have our strengths and weaknesses but um that’s definitely definitely the eyes um yeah and the emoji so when you’re they’re the ones who are going to have all the exclamations

they’re going to kind of ramble on, not necessarily in a structure typically. They want that reassurance and that kind of like response back.

They make up words, right? They’re the ones who will just be silly and make up words and fun. so, reflecting that on them makes them feel seen and heard, right?

So, I often share this one. girlfriend who I spoke about earlier, who is a super high eye. I remember when, after I learned and put her through some workshops, we were, we would always meet for dinner and have like dates, sometimes with her husband, sometimes without.

And one night we were meeting and it was a super slam day because, you know, live by my calendar in my very high D at that time and she messaged me up like a cajillion because it’s not just one text message.

It’s like 10 in a row with little like blurbs. know you’re snickering because you get them to from your eyes.

And she’s like, I’m so excited about our dinner, blah, blah. And no questions, no like confirmation, nothing. But I knew that I needed to respond to make her feel seen in her.

I sent an emoji. I can’t remember what it was. And when I got to the restaurant, because she didn’t respond.

But when I got to the restaurant, she was like, in tears, she’s like, you responded to my text. know, I know, like, that took so much out of you to give me that emoji.

Because it’s not my nor it was not my normal response. And I’ll never forget that. Like she was so moved, because I gave her an emoji.

But if you’re communicating with a high, they want, they want to feel seen and heard even more than some of the other behavioral sounds.

think the high eyes want have the need to be seen and heard even more. I think almost like on a superficial level.

but also on a deeper level, so just keep that in mind.

Amanda Furgiuele

Yeah, and that’s the whole idea of the platinum rule. Again, we want to treat people the way they want to be treated, and that is part of why we’re doing this series on this so you can know yourself better and the people around you better so you can be a better person to the world as it were.

Lynn Howard

Absolutely. All right. Well, I think we’ve given you enough about I, can go on and on and on. Again, we teach this, we work with companies around this, quite often, especially sales teams.

It’s extremely important to work with your desk and really get to understand the little nuances about ourselves, but also about others.

Amanda Furgiuele

And if you’re interested, this is this assessment is listed in the show notes. Reach out to us. If you want to learn more, if you want to do a training, we are here for you because we love talking about this.

Lynn Howard

Absolutely. do them globally a few times a month, so we love it. Love it. Love it. it. Until next time get after it.