Episode 116: Breaking Through Glass Ceilings: Strategy, Ego, and Progress

In this episode, we’re diving into the concept of glass ceilings—those invisible barriers that hold us back in business, life, and personal growth. But here’s the twist: we’re not just talking about the ones imposed on us externally. We’re exploring the ones we place on ourselves and how they impact our progress.

We share real-life examples, including a story about navigating cultural nuances in business deals and how being strategic (and letting go of ego) can lead to success. Sometimes, it’s not about pushing against external barriers but recognizing the limits we’ve placed within ourselves.

Breaking Through Glass Ceilings: Strategy, Ego, and Progress

Together, we unpack:

  • The role of ego and ignorance in creating our own glass ceilings
  • Why understanding the bigger purpose is key to progress
  • The importance of knowing when to educate and when to strategize
  • How internal and external glass ceilings shape our life and career trajectories

We also pose some questions to you:
What glass ceilings are you hiding under? Which ones have you broken through? How have they impacted your journey?

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences—this is a topic that opens the door to powerful conversations.

Don’t forget to share this episode with someone who might need a nudge to break through their own barriers. Hit that subscribe button, and as always, let’s keep the dialogue going.

Until next time, let’s get after it!

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Read the full transcript of this episode below:


Lynn Howard

Hi, I’m Lynn.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

And I’m Amanda, welcome to the Pursuit of Badasserie: The Podcast. Today we’re talking a little bit about doing things differently. What we need to do to see different results, to get where we want to go, what does that take?

Let’s talk about getting different.

Lynn Howard

The difference of ways we go with this one.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

True. That’s true.

Lynn Howard

The two are really too late for that one.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Not at all.

Lynn Howard

Yeah, we’ve all heard that phrase in order to get, or the definition of insanity, is doing something over and over again and expecting different results.

I know we spoke about this a gajillion times, but we don’t necessarily have a podcast on it. I feel like even ourselves, we’ve had many conversations, or even caught ourselves where we’re pretty quick to like admit when we’re doing the same thing, or not doing the things that we need to do in order to accomplish what we want to accomplish.

But… I think it’s kind of fitting to have this conversation now because there are so many different things. We were just having a conversation before the podcast about like, you know, I’m not getting acts and I’m not getting why or every time I go to, every time I work with this one client, I’m getting the same results or whatever it is.

And it can feel sometimes like you’re going crazy if you don’t take a step back and see your cause and effect, see that when you are just trying to do the same thing over and over and over again and you want different, it’s not heading you in the right direction to be able to get different result.

And that’s kind of what the cycle of insanity is about.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Oh, absolutely. I feel there are definitely moments where I look up and suddenly I’m like, this is, I’m doing the exact same thing.

or this is the exact same conversation I had with this client or with this facility or with this agent or whatever over and over again and you know it’s funny that they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting it for results because I feel insane but I have to keep asking the same questions or repeating myself and feeling like I’m doing the same thing over and over whether I want to or not it feels insane and so I always am surprised when people don’t feel that insanity inside of them like from a business perspective from a business consultant and like oh I keep doing this and this and this and this this and my marketing and it’s not working and I’m frustrated and I’m like but don’t you feel the insanity of the fact that you’re doing the same thing over and over your marketing and wondering why it’s not working and never really analyzing whether not it’s the right thing to do or like looking at the analytics and yeah I just had this conversation yesterday with the clients go you know what

I’ve been putting X amount of money into advertising. I’m like, OK, well, what are your results from that? Oh, I don’t know.

I just feel like it’s good to have advertising. I’m like, whoa, you’re spending like $600 a month, or like $700 a month on this one particular platform.

But you don’t know if you’ve gotten a single sale from them. Like, and you’re wondering why you’re not getting return on your money.

And you don’t even know what the, it just seemed insane to me. I’m like, and I love you. I love you.

I love you. You know, you probably know who you are. If you listen to this podcast. And it made me really feel like, don’t people feel the insanity of not doing something different?

If it’s not working, you don’t, you feel it in your bones that you’re just like going crazy. If you don’t do something a little bit different.

And I think, you know, I think about my family. I’m a little bit of the black sheep. think a lot of entrepreneurs are a bit of the black sheep, a little bit outside of the box.

And I feel like I’m constantly having that conversation of like, showing them and like, oh, I’m going to do it this completely different.

Backwards crazy way that you guys think is insane and then I’ll show results from it and it’s like oh It’s like oh it couldn’t be because you did something different or because you tried or because you went out on a limb or because you Sought something different.

It’s just like a chance encounter.

Lynn Howard

Oh Yeah, you know, I do want to clarify, you know, we are definitely big risk repeat Refresh, but that’s for things that are working in the right direction.

we’re talking about is you’re wanting different results You’re wanting a different response. You need a different result. You need a different response when we when we were talking about Covering this subject one of the things I was thinking about that I constantly am having conversations with clients and non-clients all the time around especially with couples Is the conversations that we have, you know, we always end up at the same

place and the conversation. They always act this certain way or, you know, we’re not getting anywhere with our conversations.

And I often say, you know, have you approached it differently? Have you tried, you know, what your normal patternized approach to this conversation?

If you feel like it’s just falling on deaf ears? Oh, well, this way, this way, this way. Okay, well, why don’t you try this approach?

And so it’s anywhere, you know, it’s not the things that you want to rinse repeat and amplify and like tweak to make better.

It’s the things that you really you want different. There’s there’s a different result or different solution that is needed.

You know, there’s lots of reasons why people stay in the comfort of a pattern of a holding pattern, if you would.

People are afraid of doing things different, right? So there’s a little there could be a little bit of fear change and end.

new things can feel risky or uncomfortable, and you can mask that as, well, I don’t know better or, you know, this is, this has worked in the past.

A lot of times people can live in the, well, it’s worked before. Yeah, but it hasn’t worked the last 10 times you’ve done it or the last 15 times you’ve done it.

So maybe that was a one off or, or maybe we’re in a different situation. But you know, having that fear definitely can create stagnation.

Also, you know, it’s a pattern. We’re in our comfort zone or, like I was talking about before with communication.

We become patternized with the people around us. So we, we, that’s just our go to. It’s almost like you always brush your teeth with one hand unless you’re training yourself differently.

so you tend to, you, you in your mind, you want them to act different, you want them to respond

Right. You want a different result out of it, but you’re always approaching it and breaching the conversation the same way.

And it’s not going to have anything.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Yeah, it doesn’t help. And it doesn’t, it’s not miraculously going to change simply because you see the need for change, which can really, really be hard, particularly if you’re the one who has change.

I mean, I’ve definitely, when you talk fear, you talk about patterns, it’s so easy to sit in status quo.

It’s so easy just to get in and, you know, it’s almost been mistaken a lot of times, I think, for the flow, like, oh, just in the flow, like, are you in the flow, or are you just not trying anymore, given people you say, even they people use like, yeah, I mean, I understand that the, the desired effect they want with Alec, oh, I’m just going with the flow, I’m just making.

You know, they, I understand that the feeling and the meaning behind that, but when it’s almost like what someone says they’re too busy, it just gets under my skin because I’m like, I don’t think that we’re using that word in the right way.

Maybe it’s semantics, but going with the flow for a lot of people just means just going with whatever life takes you or wherever life takes you like, okay, I’m going to go into the same job.

I’m going to go with the flow of traffic, get into the work, I’m going to do my day, come back, wonder why it was unfulfilling, and then I’m going to eat the same takeout meal, go to bed at the same time, watch the same shows and Netflix, and like then rinse and repeat that because it’s working.

I you’re paying your bills, you’re surviving existing.

Lynn Howard

Like, well, yeah, I would have to agree, and I would say, you know, there, there is a distinction between like going to the flow or being in the flow of something and not wanting

different and somebody who wants different or needs to have different because sometimes we need change but we’re not willing to put in the work and so that’s what we’re talking about like that’s where going with the flow or being in the flow isn’t well going I mean we can go with the flow I think maybe more me sometimes than you just just because of behavioral and personality differences but not in a way we’ll allow it to sweep us away because we’re constantly looking to like improve to level up or to at least patternize good habits and I think you know to talk about some things that we can do different in order to get different results first the thing I feel like you should look at two things first is your mindset around it what we’re just talking about and then also your habits around it are your habits so

courting the differences or the willing to make differences. Are you constantly do you project? Do you react versus respond?

Are you do you have healthy habits and healthy mindset that’s going to allow you to make the changes to get different?

So those are the first two places I would suggest to look at.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

100% because, you know, just to talking or maybe think of a couple conversations I’ve had recently where they were willingly sitting in the , willingly sitting in that victim mentality because it served their need for attention or it served their need for you know, some kind of twisted validation.

not sure exactly. not their best at God. I’d be horrible at that job.

Lynn Howard

I’m horrible.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

You have magic and oh my god, there will be zero filter. It would just be terrible. But when it comes to making those changes, it’s people like to sit in the .

And if you if you just shift your mindset on it, and I know that such a. I almost tried thing to say these days.

It’s just, oh, I’m just just change your mindset around it. mean, it feels very woo woo and non tangible.

And I absolutely can get into that place where because I’m a pessimist, 100% or real list as all pessimists will say because I’m a real list.

I see the negative side of things all the time, and I have to shift my opinion of it. there are lots of times where I don’t want to do something because it is uncomfortable or because I just I’m procrastinating for a variety of reasons.

And then you shift your mindset around like this is going to help me do this. This is going to, and it’s a small shift.

like I suddenly become a different person because I’ve shifted my mindset around a particular task, but it does have to get done more or maybe it’s shifting the action around it.

So instead of waiting until 2.30 p.m. to do it, I do it the second I wake up. So I’m just like, you know, the frog scenario, like getting rid of it.

But those small changes, those habits that you, they’re real, it’s really easy to fall into a habit that isn’t serving you.

Just as you can tell how hard it is to create a habit that does serve. a lot of times it’s really much more difficult than you think.

And so just flipping around your mindset about why you’re doing something about what it’s going to be doing for you in the future can absolutely change the narrative of how far you go and how you’re able to change and how you’re able to handle change.

Because it’s not always sunshine rainbows. I mean, not like, Oh, I wouldn’t a lottery. So here’s a good change.

It’s not always a lottery winning scenario of change. Sometimes it’s the worst and Your mindset can shift around what makes it the worst or knowing that things are happening for you, not to you can change everything.

Lynn Howard

Yeah, yes. A few other things that you can do. One of my favorites is switch up the environment. mean, I love getting out of my space to be able to try to create new energy, just be in different energy in vibrancy, hopefully, depending on the spaces that you choose, but something that’s inspiring.

Also, I love that you, and I know we talk a lot about like eat the frog and that’s just like tackling that huge task or that big thing.

And I think that that’s also like something that can help get you kind of shake up the pattern that you have in your conscious and subconscious being is to do a bold move.

So, you know, by that course that you are always thinking of, you know, push yourself out of your comfort zone, essentially, is what I’m saying.

And one other thing, and, you know, we’ve used to speak about a lot, and I know sometimes we do, is really like having an accountability buddy or coach also to help you really just like get you out of your everyday go-to thinking, because, you know, and all coaches are maybe equal, let’s be honest, or accountability buddies, but even when we’re training ourselves to think different, to do different, you know, that pattern that we had, those patterns that we had are ingrained in us, neural pathways are beaten down.

And so, they’re in there, so it’s not a wham-bam one-time thing, like you’re going to be able to like reverse it.

it’s going to take practice and it’s going to take different parts of what we just said, the mindset and habits are essential, but like, changing up your space, getting an accountability, but you do both moves, things like that, but you’re sponsored and push yourself always out of your element because it’s so easy to fall back into those patterns, but also you have the go-to patternization, but you have the, or I should say the conscious patternization, but you also have the subconscious patternization that you might not even be aware of.

So when you’re trying to put yourself out and do something different, you might be subliminally already doing that. And so the more you do it, you kind of like, more you practice the practical tips of ways to do things differently.

I feel like you’re getting out of even that like, subliminal and subconscious go-to patterns that you might have or beliefs that you might have or habits that you might have.

it’s really a practice to just kind of like constantly pushing yourself outside of that. And taking it back to like the conversation aspect, know, you and your partner, let’s say, you know, Amanda and I might be having the same conversations over and over and over and over and over again.

We try not to, but it happens. I’m just using us as an example. If I change up the script, try to get a different response out of Amanda and I only do it that one time or three times in a row, like then she’s going to catch on to that pattern.

So that’s what I mean by even like trying to constantly kind of push that limit, that level. So that way you’re not both falling back into even the subconscious patternization.

this is how you break that kind of that habit of always doing what you do and expecting different results.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Yeah, you know, as you’re talking about environment, I’m reminded of this quote, and I don’t remember who said it, you know, people, but maybe it was the row, but it was no matter where you go there you are.

So when it comes to being different, it can start with small changes like changing your environment, changing your routine, changing habits and things, but ultimately, if what you’re seeing is on a fundamental you level.

The change has to come from you, it can’t be external, can’t just be, oh, if I move to Timbok to I’m going to be a better, more amazing person and all these things are going to align and I’m just going to be happy.

It’s elusive happy. I hate to break it to you as somebody who has tried that. It doesn’t, it doesn’t work.

It works for like three days. Like, look, I’m a whole new person and a whole new place and everything’s different and changed and I am.

a new person, I have just been reading more. Like the honeymoon phase. So that change can’t be superficial. if you’re really trying to be different, do different, see different in a big, large scale way, not just like, I want to go to Europe for the first time kind of thing.

not just a super, I mean, that’s, it’s not superficial everybody. It’s amazing in Europe, yay. But if you want to see change and have a big different move, a shift in your life, that’s of a bigger, more fundamental, deep internal way.

It’s going to take a lot more internal. That’s why I love that Lin said that mindset’s the first one that to do and think about, because it really does come from the deep recesses of who you are, if you want to see a big change.

And it doesn’t always come quickly. In fact, I would say it almost never does. And it doesn’t come easily, usually.

And it is 100% worth it because no matter where you go, there you are. So you can. is what if that’s a positive quote or a negative quote.

That’s on you.

Lynn Howard

Well, choice. I, you know, it’s interesting that you just spoke about it. is it worth it? I think I think, you know, only the listeners can be the can answer that for themselves.

And I think it’s situational. Sometimes it’s worth it. Sometimes it’s not. But at the end of the day, when you are, first of all, if you’re feeling insane, then doing different can get you different results, which would hopefully get you out of the insanity loop, But also, when you push yourself out of your own box, when you challenge your habits, when you challenge your mindset that’s keeping you in a holding pattern or in stagnation.

that you’re missing out on opportunities you I feel also too is like you become numb right you’re just going through the movements and so you also can lose like the vibrancy or the the love of that relationship that business that of life and so it is I think essential for us to be kind of ourselves pushing ourselves out of those boxes that we put ourselves in or that others put ourselves in those patterns in which we’ve created that that keep us doing the same things over and over and over again expecting different results because it is worth it in so many different levels um and as leaders in our community both professionally and personally I feel like also is an example

And when we talk about we had a whole podcast on CEO mindset, I feel like it’s that part of a CEO mindset and of a leader as well is that when we’re challenging and pushing ourselves out of that comfort zone and making those saps doing things different in order to get different results, even when we don’t know what the result is that we want, but we’re pushing ourselves to gain different results and learn from it at worst, it makes us better leaders.

It shows other willing to take risks in order to, you know, go to unseen territories.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

And I think that that’s important. Absolutely. And it’s, it’s not easy, but I don’t think anybody who’s listening to our podcast would ever excuse us of offering the easy solutions.

Well, we do, I suppose, I guess it’s an eyeball holder. However, you know, I’ll challenge the audience of what can you do this week that’s.

different. If you’re stuck in a place, if there’s a part of complacency or something’s just not working in your life, what can you do this week?

just even a slight bit different. Is it a different way to go to work? Is it, you know, trying a different parenting technique?

Is it rearranging your closet in a way that’s color-coded and much more compliant with the world?

Lynn Howard

Love color-coded and closet.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

honestly, it’s the best. I mean, helps if you only have one color in your wardrobe. We’re like two because it makes so much easier, but in general…

Lynn Howard

It does make it more difficult. Actually, I brought a new color home from my, from being in the U.S.

I was like, where do I want to put it in my lineup of shirts? Because I actually have shirts separated from dresses and pants and color-coordinated, but it’s a new color.

But I don’t have other colors in. was very excited to figure out where it goes. I color line up.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Anyway, I’m not really because I’m about to do something different still. The different colors, the different something something’s different.

So what can you do this week that is a little bit different? What can you do to set yourself up for different results?

What can you what is currently not serving you in your life that you’ve been kind of just going with the flow and not really addressing what’s actually happening behind the scenes?

What is that sticky point in your life? And I’m not saying that we all have to have these like huge ginormous revelations and move across an ocean and you know get a divorce and you know start the carnivore diet all in the same week.

I’m not saying that. fact, I would say that’s the recipe for disaster all in the same week. However, what are the changes that you need to make?

And it doesn’t have to be huge shifts.

Lynn Howard

Some of the best shifts are small. I believe they always are. Yeah. Yeah. you don’t even have to have a problem to change.

You brought parenting briefly, but I can actually remember doing this with my kids when they were little. would constantly get frustrated at a certain conversation or a certain thing that they would do.

just approaching that conversation differently. And it wasn’t a big thing. I can’t remember what it would be about at this point.

But can you put into practice with even your communication style, a different way of engaging with somebody in your life to see if you can get different results and kind of see the different responses or reactions that you receive from them.

So baby steps, practice, practice, practice, self-sabotage.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

So don’t think that it’s not going to work before you even tried it. That one happens a lot. Oh, that will never work for me.

I can’t, that’s not going to, they’re not going to respond that way to that. They’re not going to like that.

I mean, sometimes… you do know the answer and you’re correct. I mean, I buy myself saying that a lot of times I’m parenting like that’s not going to work for my kid.

And sometimes I’m right, but that’s based on experience of having already done that thing. It doesn’t mean that I, you know, knocked it before I tried it.

So when you’re having conversations with yourself, because you tried things before. but that’s just I’m saying like, don’t don’t let yourself get don’t instantly say it’s not going to work if you haven’t already done the work to try it.

Because I think that happens a lot because you have that fear base around like this isn’t going to work or like particularly, I can think of a couple of people having different difficult conversations right now and have the say the narrative of I can’t say that to my spouse because they’re not going to respond while we’ve never tried to respond.

You’ve never tried to say that to them. You’ve never tried to express yourself. So how do you know it’s going to work or not?

Because you’ve never done it. So don’t poo poo things until you’ve actually given them a little bit of a shot.

Lynn Howard

Exactly. Yeah, I actually I have a friend. who is having a health thing right now. of course, I’m more Eastern, although I’m a Western medicine, mean, being a cancer survivor and the things I’ve had to go through, obviously, I believe in the mesh of Western and Eastern.

And it’s interesting that you were saying that because it did bring up one more point too, is that I had suggested a few things and they’re not, they were diagnosed a couple years ago and they’re not having great results.

And actually it’s life threatening. And it’s just some stuff and their response was, oh, well, so and so a family member who’s in the medical field doesn’t feel like that’s good for me right now.

And I was thinking like , everything that they’ve done for you is not a good thing right now. Like you haven’t been in remission with this illness.

And so one other point I guess when I’m making is, is that, be aware of the people around you too, just because they have good intentions, does it mean that they’re helping you on your journey as well?

But anyway, I had to get that one off my chest.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

That’s a good one. Because I think a lot of people, I mean, not everybody, obviously, pessimists, not everybody has the best intentions for you, but there are a lot tensions towards you.

But you have to be your own advocate. You have to look at your life with through your lens, because they’re seeing a part of the picture.

No matter how close they are to you, they’re not.

Lynn Howard

Well, and it’s their lens. And this is personal and professional, anywhere from how to finance is like anything. It is, it’s just interesting.

But if you’re expecting different, you have to do different. At the end of the day, that’s what this boils down to either different or environment.

different habits, different mindset, different whatever, but if you want different, you have to do different. You have to step up to the plate differently than what you have been.

And so, like Amanda said, like, where do you need to adjust how you’re stepping up to the plate in order to get different results?

Let us know in the comments. Definitely share this podcast with somebody who you feel could use a bit different in their life, who’s going through the insanity loop.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

But actually, share this podcast with Apple because I think we just basically talked about their entire slogan. doesn’t do different there.

It’s not their tagline. Anyway, the point is, if it pretty sure it is, I think that that’s the thing.

So, maybe we should be sponsored by them.

Lynn Howard

Just want to throw that out there into the universe. Just bought another phone and they switched the things again.

They’re jerks, but they do different, right?

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

So, that way you have to buy more. You know what? That’s a different model.

Lynn Howard

olden days, let’s make something that lasts for 400 years.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Now it’s like, let’s make last something that lasts for one year so that you have to buy the upgrade.

Honestly, it’s a different approach and it works really pretty well.

Lynn Howard

So absolutely. And since you brought up a bit, brought up businesses, there are businesses that are companies that have done this really well that are pioneers of just being, being different, that disrupts industries.

I don’t even know. Netflix was one of them. Uber was one of them.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

I remember when Netflix started and I was like, how do we know they’re going to send us our DVD?

I just want to go down to the store. I can’t be sure they’re going to send it.

Lynn Howard

Yeah. He’s a blockbuster. My cousin works at Blockbuster, she was a manager and I would go and like do inventory with her and hang out with her all the time.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

was my favorite. To the movie store. Well, I find it, you know, the resistance to change, but look like what happened with Netflix, look how they

completely changed the industry.

Lynn Howard

It’s in scene or the, anyway, we’re digressing. How are you going to do different? yes, share this with the people in your, in your networks, that way they can, or somebody you need to have that conversation with, and it needs to end up being different than the same shape you’ve been getting over and over again, share this podcast.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Let them maybe, maybe instead of having that difficult conversation in the car, you just put on this podcast in the background, and then you have a lot of discussion about it afterwards.

Lynn Howard

And I tell them, okay, what do you think about what they just said? Anyway, hit subscribe. Yep, all the good things.

Let us know what you thought about this podcast.

Amanda Furgiuele (afconsultingteam21@gmail.com)

Thank you so much for listening, and until next time, get after it.