Episode 14: Time/Worth Value
What’s your time worth? Do you even know? You may think the money-per-hour is a direct indication of your time/worth value, but have you looked at all you do? Do all the numbers add up? How can you increase that time/worth value without unnecessarily increasing your rates?
Today’s episode discusses how using delegation, strategy, and efficient choices can make all the difference in your time/worth value and why this is so important for entrepreneurs.
In this episode:
- The definition of time/worth value
- Energetic value
- Clarifying your hourly rate
- What factors into time/worth value?
- How to bill based on the actual time spent
- Can you charge more for education received for a job?
- Education as an asset
- When to raise your prices
- Accounting for taxes, licenses, and fees
- How Covid changed things
- Considering your own sanity and capacity
- Get specific on target audience
- Understand your numbers
- The fear behind asking for more money
- Looking back into 2022
- Accessing your financials
- Are you taking a pay cut every year without knowing it?
- Burnout
- Job/worth value
- Remove busy work
- Delegate
- Streamlining your systems and strategies
- Understanding your energetic and spiritual value
- Productivity
- Spotting the red flags
- Dropping a client
- Action steps!
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