Episode 15: Love Them From Afar
As far as life lessons go, the concept of “loving from afar” is a tricky one to manage. How do you determine if a relationship is unhealthy? Do both sides benefit in a positive way? What are the pros and cons of continuing or stepping back from a relationship?
It can be a lot to process.
And it’s not only in personal relationships, but professional ones, too. If you’ve read our book, The Pursuit of Badasserie: How to Create Badass Business Abundance, then you are familiar already with this topic, and this episode will drive home some of our most important points.
In this episode:
- The reasons people hold onto toxic relationships
- How to cut a relationship
- Putting yourself first
- Business and personal relationships
- The shades of how you love someone from afar
- Millionaire Mindset with Rachel Rodgers
- The yearly relationship audit
- Adding value
- Are you the problem?
- What is the context of your relationships in each season?
- Learning triggers
- Holding space
- Having difficult conversations
- Creating dynamics
- It’s not permanent
- The importance of communication
- Respecting your own need for space
- Identifying your internal dialogues and relational red flags
- Evaluating your friendships
- Boundaries
- The conditions of unconditional love
- Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, since we couldn’t remember when we were recording
- Spend your 2023 surrounded by people who will inspire and uplift you
- Making 2023 your best year yet
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