Episode 29: Speed Work: The Misconceptions of Efficiency, Productivity, and Quick Succession Implementation
Woah, that’s a mouthful. We debated what to call this episode for a while because this topic is way larger than just one particular thing and we have both dealt with the issue for basically our entire lives. And since elements of this concept have arisen quite a bit since the launch of our second book, we wanted to address it today.
In this episode, we discuss:
- What is speed work?
- We are not calling anyone out
- Hyperfocus and working quickly
- Knowing how to prepare and execute
- Preparing your outcome
- Procrastination
- Working well under pressure
- Everyone has a different process
- How you show up
- Judgment based on time
- The Picasso of the business world
- Merit vs time
- Experience and the end product
- Time/worth value
- Watching your own reactions
- Behavioral styles
- Your own speed of implementation
- We aren’t special
- Trusting yourself
- The fallout
- Real talk
- Understanding our audience
- Finding the balance in your productivity and output
- Hourly vs Salary
- Watching your intentions and mindset
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